3 Reasons To Perfect Your Pitch Deck

Piecing together a spiel to persuade an intended audience to get involved with your brand or business is anything but a piece of cake. It requires deliberate action, a strategy that makes sense, and a convincing pitch to make your audience want to get on board. This is executed in a brief presentation, all while trying to outdo and stand out from the competition. Sounds exhausting, right? It doesn’t have to be.

Why Pitch Decks Must Be Perfect

The above technical requirements and finesse are the reasons why pitch decks are pivotal points between career success and failure. The content of your presentation deck and how you convey it to your audience can make or break your pitch. That is why it is crucial to perfect it. Here’s why:

1.    Visual presentation = top engagement

It’s no secret that visual presentations are more effective than verbose texts and numbers. This is because more than 50% of our brain’s surface is dedicated to processing visual information. That’s why it’s easier to absorb visual presentations such as images, infographics, or videos, compared to information presented in texts or numbers.

Transforming lengthy texts into succinct and digestible visual presentations assures that your audience can easily focus on your pitch’s core instead of spending more time comprehending what the text says. In addition, visual presentation results in higher audience engagement as information is conveyed quicker and better. When pitching your next business venture or project, audience engagement is crucial in getting your point across. Visual presentations help lock in the audience’s attention and generate engagement.

2.     Better business insight and perspective


Especially when involved in any form of sales or investment, you will probably be pitching more than one sales deck or investor deck. It may sound repetitive, and it actually is, to keep pitching the same deck to different prospects. But, your pitch deck is not necessarily the exact same. Industries change, systems enhance, and innovations sprout up left and right. Which means your pitch deck has to adapt to these changes to remain relevant.

Revising and updating your pitch deck as much as needed in order to make it more convincing and compelling to prospective clients only contributes to your advantage. In addition, when you are constantly conducting market research, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the business, and promoting solutions to drawbacks, you also gain better insight and perspective on how to catapult your brand towards success.

3.    Confidence boost

“If you’re passionate about something it will translate into your pitch.”

While the statement above is true, passion alone cannot deliver a knockout pitch. When presenting a pitch deck, it is expected that you know each detail of the brand or business you are pitching — whether it’s explicitly detailed on your deck or not.

Having a hands-on knowledge and understanding of what you are pitching like the back of your hand boosts confidence. And a confident delivery helps you nail that pitch — whether it’s a second meeting or contract signing!

Crafting the Perfect Pitch Deck

The content and tone of your pitch deck will vary depending on who you are trying to engage with. A sales deck will have a different pitch than an investor deck, and vice-versa. So, it’s crucial that your pitch deck template is catered to suit the audience that you’re presenting it to.

Regardless of the nature of what you will pitch, the foundation of a compelling pitch deck remains the same throughout.

●     Succinct Business or Brand Overview

Have an understanding of how much your audience knows about your brand or product being pitched. Include a brief, need-to-know overview of it. Avoid unnecessary details that wouldn’t have a significant impact on your presentation.

●     A Storyline Around the Problem

Prospective clients entertain pitches because there are obstacles that need solutions. And you just might have an answer. When delivering your pitch, create an engaging presentation by creating a storyline around the problem. A storyline has a setting, plot, conflict, and solution. Then, incorporate those components into your pitch deck.

●     Financial Plans, Projections, and Needs

At the end of the day, we are all still talking about finances and if a pitch is worth investing in: how much is the expected budget, the expenses, and the forecasted profit.

A pitch cannot be without a financial plan. While it does not have to be detailed or reveal every nuance to the dollar, a realistic financial plan backed up by numbers that make sense will suffice.

●     Well-thought out visual presentation of value proposition

This part is where you make all your promises and an assurance that they will be delivered. Highlighting the key points of the business or product, the project plan, and market positioning will be a lot to cover. That’s why transforming this information into a visual presentation, such as infographics, roadmaps, flow charts, etc., will save you space and time.

Conversion of verbose text or numbers into visual presentation may be the easiest part of putting together a pitch deck. Free design solutions like Venngage offers over 500+ premade templates and customizable designs to choose from, making it even more convenient to assemble any visual presentation needed.

Put in the added extra time guaranteeing that your pitch deck’s vital information is complete, the format used is suitable for the audience, and the content is accurate and updated.  When you have days to prepare for a meager 30-minute pitch that can dictate the course of your career or business, perfecting your pitch deck is not optional.






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